28 May 2013

Organic Vegetable, Free Range Eggs, Germain Beer, Japanese Taro(里芋), Sliced meat, Sausages, Dessert and Japanese Alcohol


We are not getting organic vegetable on June 9th as the farmer cannot come to Sydney so order for the week after too :) !

6月2日(日)にオーガニック野菜を入荷します(Organic Vegetables arriving on June 2nd)

・ 大根(White Radish):$4.00 / piece
・ ほうれん草(Eng Spinach):$3.30 / bunch
・ 赤かぶ(Radish):$2.50 / bunch 
・ ビートルート(Beetroot):$3.50 / bunch
・ 人参(Carrot): $3.50 / bunch
・ 白かぶ(White Turnip): $3.70 / bunch

里芋を販売しております(Japanese Taro) 

・M size:$7.00 / kg  (Price Downed!)
・S size:Sold Out!
・XS Size: Out of stock

(The picture is M size Japanese Taro. )

(Coarsely-grinded Sausage, Sliced Pork & Beef Slices) 

・粗引き風ソーセージ(Japanese Sausage):$5.00 / 300g (約8本入り/ About 8 pieces)
・ポークスライス(Pork Slice):$5.20 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)
・ビーフスライス(Beef Slice):$4.50 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)

デザートを販売します(Dessert & Cakes)

・Baked Cheese Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Green Tea Chiffon Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Creme Caramel:  $2.00 incl GST
・Coffee Mousse(Frozen):  $2.40 incl GST
・Non-Baked Cheese Cake(Frozen):  $2.20 incl GST
・Blue Berry Sauce/300g:  $6.40 incl GST  - (Good match with Non-Baked Cheese Cake)

販売しているお酒はSake1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, 焼酎、チューハイ、梅酒等になります。興味のある方はリストをお渡ししますのでsales@yesfoodservice.com.auまでメール下さい。普段お客様が購入している物よりお安い値段で手に入るのではないかと思います。引き取り場所につきましてはご相談下さいませ。

Japanese Alcohol (Sake)
We are selling Sake 1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, Shochu, Chuhai and Umeshu (Plum sake).
If you are interested, please contact sales@yesfoodservice.com.au and we will give you the price list. You might be able to get Japanese sake cheaper than what you get now. Please also consult for the pick-up place.

Germain Beer(ドイツビール)を販売しております!We are selling high-quality Germain Beer!
値段もとてもお手頃になっています。The price is very cheap for this quality! 

6 bottles = $17.00 (incl tax)  /  1 Carton(24 bottles) = $60.00 (incl tax) ・・・(330 ml btl each)


For the detail, please see the page which was updated on May 15th. (http://yesfoodservice.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/we-are-selling-germain-beer.html
You can hardly get these kinds of beer in such price! Please check it out and try !


If you would like to receive items next week, please send order to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 4PM on Thursday, May 30th. 

The number of vegetable is limited so please understand in case of sold-out. 


Free Range (Omega 3) Eggs arriving on Tuesday, June 4th

M size : 1 Tray (30 Eggs) : $10.00

             If you buy 1 box (1 tray 30 eggs x 6 = 180 eggs) : $48.00 (<- 1 tray $8.00!) 



To order eggs, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 10 AM on June 2nd.

日曜:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
月曜-水曜:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Open hour for pick-up items is as below.

Sunday:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
Monday - Wednesday:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Like us our Facebook page "Yes Food Service Pty Ltd" and you get more updated information on time! 
Facebookで"Yes Food Service Pty Ltd' を”いいね”して頂きますと随時アップデート情報が確認できます。是非ご利用下さい。

21 May 2013

オーガニック野菜、Germain Beer、里芋、粗挽き風ソーセージ、スライス肉、デザート、お酒販売のお知らせ

5月26日(日)にオーガニック野菜を入荷します(Organic Vegetables arriving on May 26th)

・ 大根(White Radish):$4.00 / piece
・ ほうれん草(Eng Spinach):$3.30 / bunch
・ 赤かぶ(Radish):$2.50 / bunch 
・ ビートルート(Beetroot):$3.50 / bunch
・ 人参(Carrot): $3.50 / bunch

今週は白カブはお休みになります。(No white turnip for this week.)

里芋を販売しております(Japanese Taro) 

・M size:$7.00 / kg  (Price Downed!)
・S size:$9.00 / kg  (Price Downed!)
・XS Size: Out of stock

(The picture is S size Japanese Taro. )

(Coarsely-grinded Sausage, Sliced Pork & Beef Slices) 

・粗引き風ソーセージ(Japanese Sausage):$5.00 / 300g (約8本入り/ About 8 pieces)
・ポークスライス(Pork Slice):$5.20 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)
・ビーフスライス(Beef Slice):$4.50 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)

デザートを販売します(Dessert & Cakes)

・Baked Cheese Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Green Tea Chiffon Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Creme Caramel:  $2.00 incl GST
・Coffee Mousse(Frozen):  $2.40 incl GST
・Non-Baked Cheese Cake(Frozen):  $2.20 incl GST
・Blue Berry Sauce/300g:  $6.40 incl GST  - (Good match with Non-Baked Cheese Cake)

販売しているお酒はSake1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, 焼酎、チューハイ、梅酒等になります。興味のある方はリストをお渡ししますのでsales@yesfoodservice.com.auまでメール下さい。普段お客様が購入している物よりお安い値段で手に入るのではないかと思います。引き取り場所につきましてはご相談下さいませ。

Japanese Alcohol (Sake)
We are selling Sake 1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, Shochu, Chuhai and Umeshu (Plum sake).
If you are interested, please contact sales@yesfoodservice.com.au and we will give you the price list. You might be able to get Japanese sake cheaper than what you get now. Please also consult for the pick-up place.

Germain Beer(ドイツビール)を販売しております!


We are selling high-quality Germain Beer! 
For the detail, please see the page which was updated on May 15th. (http://yesfoodservice.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/we-are-selling-germain-beer.html
You can hardly get these kinds of beer in such price! Please check it out and try !


If you would like to receive items next week, please send order to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 4PM on Thursday, May 23rd. 


The number of vegetable is limited so please understand in the case of sold-out. 

日曜:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
月曜-水曜:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Open hour for pick-up items is as below.

Sunday:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
Monday - Wednesday:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Like us our Facebook page "Yes Food Service Pty Ltd" and you get more updated information on time! 
Facebookで"Yes Food Service Pty Ltd' を”いいね”して頂きますと随時アップデート情報が確認できます。是非ご利用下さい。

15 May 2013

ドイツビールを販売しております!(We are selling Germain Beer!)

Right now we are selling three types as follows. 

1.Leibinger Seeweisse
 (南ドイツの地ビール 金賞受賞のフルーティな琥珀色の小麦ビール)!

2.Leibinger EDEL SPEZIAL
(南ドイツの地ビール アロマな香り溢れるさわやかなビール)!

3.ZEPPELIN Bier(不朽の航空機名称を冠したプレミアムビール)!

1.Leibinger Seeweisse     (南ドイツの地ビール 金賞受賞のフルーティな琥珀色の小麦ビール)!

ゼーヴァイセ(Seeweisse. シーヴァイセとも)のSeeは、海/湖を意味し、ライビンガー社のあるラーフェンスブルクの南に横たわるボーデン湖を表しています。ボーデン湖はドイツ/オーストリア/スイスに跨る湖で、高級リゾート地として知られています。


Price: $20.00 / 6 bottles or $60.00 / 1 Carton, 24 bottles (330 ml bottle)   => 6 bottles = $17.00 (incl tax)  /  1 Carton(24 bottles) = $60.00 (incl tax) ・・・(330 ml btl each)

2.Leibinger EDEL SPEZIAL
(南ドイツの地ビール アロマな香り溢れるさわやかなビール)!

EDEL SPEZIALは、ラーフェンスブルクで実績のある、ライビンガー社一押しの特産ビールです。良質のTettnengerというアロマホップと、地元で採れた麦芽、そしてアルプスのわき水から丁寧に作られています。

Price: $20.00 / 6 bottles or $60.00 / 1 Carton, 24 bottles (330 ml bottle)   => 6 bottles = $17.00 (incl tax)  /  1 Carton (24 bottles) = $60.00 (incl tax) ・・・(330 ml btl each)



2005年、「ヨーロピアン ビアスター(European Beer Star)」の銀賞を受賞しています。

Price: $20.00 / 6 bottles or $60.00 / 1 Carton, 24 bottles (330 ml bottle)   => 6 bottles = $17.00 (incl tax)  /  1 Carton (24 bottles) = $60.00 (incl tax) ・・・(330 ml btl each)

To order, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au


You can come to our warehouse to pick them up or we will consider of delivery by post service as well. (Extra charge incurs for post delivery)
Payment can be made by bank transfer or cash. 
If you come to our warehouse for pick-up, please do not drink on the street. 

14 May 2013

シティーでの野菜引き取りが可能となりました!(Can receive vegetables in CBD!)


場所はWorld Square, Town Hall駅近くのとっても便利な場所にあります!
Address: 39 Liverpool Street, Sydney.  Website http://www.blucreativity.com/

Sussex St とLiverpool Stの角で入り口はLiverpool Stにあります。
2階(1st Floor)にありますのでエレベーターをご使用下さい。


Delivery Fee, Packing Feeとして$4.40(GST込み)かかります。

You can receive vegetable in CBD!
Address: 39 Liverpool Street, Sydney.  The website http://www.blucreativity.com/
The entrance is at the corner of Sussex St and Liverpool St.
It is on the First Floor so please use the elevator. 
The pick-up time is between 15:00-18:30 from Monday to Thursday. Please ask by e-mail by 24 hours in advance if you wish to receive vegetable in city.

You can receive only vegetable there, no eggs, meat, dessert and alcohol.
There is extra charge $4.40(incl GST) as delivery & packing fee.
Please make sure to pick-up vegetables on the day you requested. 

07 May 2013


5月12日(日)にオーガニック野菜を入荷します (Organic Vegetables arriving on May 12th)

・ えびすかぼちゃ(Yebisu Pumpkin):$3.50 / kg -(在庫にもよりますが今週で最後になるかもしれません。Depends on the stock but might be last week for pumpkins!)
・ とうもろこし(Sweet Corn):$1.20 / piece -(まだ畑にありますので出せそうとのことです。値下げしました。Still some left in the field. Price down.)

・ 切干大根(Dried Daikon):$2.50 / 30g (数限定)
・ ほうれん草(English Spinach):$3.30 / bunch (Around 250 g)
・ 大根(White Radish):$3.80 / piece (大きさが少し小さくなりましたので料金下がりました!Price down as it became a bit smaller.)
・ ラディッシュ(Radish):$2.50 / bunch 
・ ビートルート(Beetroot):$3.50 / bunch
・ かぶ(White Turnip):$3.70/ bunch (Around 250 g)
・ チンゲン菜(Pak Choi): $3.50 / bunch ( Around 250 g)

里芋を販売しております(Japanese Taro)

・M size:$7.50 / kg  
・S size:$9.50 / kg  
・XS Size: Out of stock

(The picture is S size Japanese Taro. )

(Coarsely-grinded Sausage, Sliced Pork & Beef Slices) 

・粗引き風ソーセージ(Japanese Sausage):$5.00 / 300g (約8本入り/ About 8 pieces)
・ポークスライス(Pork Slice):$5.20 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)
・ビーフスライス(Beef Slice):$4.50 / 300g (冷凍/ Frozen)

デザートを販売します(Dessert & Cakes)

・Baked Cheese Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Green Tea Chiffon Cake Whole(Frozen):  $22.00 incl GST
・Creme Caramel:  $2.00 incl GST
・Coffee Mousse(Frozen):  $2.40 incl GST
・Non-Baked Cheese Cake(Frozen):  $2.20 incl GST
・Blue Berry Sauce/300g:  $6.40 incl GST  - (Good match with Non-Baked Cheese Cake)

販売しているお酒はSake1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, 焼酎、チューハイ、梅酒等になります。興味のある方はリストをお渡ししますのでsales@yesfoodservice.com.auまでメール下さい。普段お客様が購入している物よりお安い値段で手に入るのではないかと思います。引き取り場所につきましてはご相談下さいませ。

Japanese Alcohol (Sake)
We are selling Sake 1800ml, 720ml, Sake Small Bottle, Shochu, Chuhai and Umeshu (Plum sake).
If you are interested, please contact sales@yesfoodservice.com.au and we will give you the price list. You might be able to get Japanese sake cheaper than what you get now. Please also consult for the pick-up place.


If you would like to receive items next week, please send order to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 4PM on Thursday, May 9th. 

日曜:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
月曜-水曜:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

Open hour for pick-up items is as below.
Sunday:11:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00
Monday - Wednesday:10:00-11:00 / 14:00-16:00

01 May 2013

Free Range (Omega 3) Eggsを来週も入荷します!(Free range eggs arriving on May 7th)

Free Range (Omega 3) Eggs arriving on Tuesday, May 7th

M size : 1 Tray (30 Eggs) : $10.00
             If you buy 1 box (1 tray 30 eggs x 6 = 180 eggs) : $48.00 (<- 1 tray $8.00!) 

We were selling Free Range Eggs only every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, but since more customer want every two weeks, we will sell every two weeks from now on! 



To order eggs, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 10 AM on May 5th.

We are selling organic vegetables, sliced meats, coarsely-grinded(Japanese style) sausages, desserts and Japanese sake as well. 
To order them, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 4PM on May 2nd. 



Regarding Alcohols, we are selling Japanese Sake, Beer, Shochu, Chuhai, Plum Sake, Yuzu Sake. The website for alcohol is not completed yet so if you would like to order, please send e-mail to us and we will provide you the alcohol list! 

Like us our Facebook page "Yes Food Service Pty Ltd" and you get more updated information on time! You'll also get information of Japanese cooking class, special offer of Japanese shops and restaurants as well! 

Facebookで"Yes Food Service Pty Ltd' を”いいね”して頂きますと随時情報が